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Complete compilation of all legal requirements and your obligations

Household employer obligations are bewilderingly scattered in many laws. We compiled them all for you. No more worries about legal compliance.

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Minimized legal burdens

Employing a maid comes with a ton of legal burdens. Thanks to our extensive legal research and the legal craftsmanship of our legal team, the contract is drafted in such a way that minimizes your legal obligations (legally, of course).

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Simple language

Our contract’s amazing features are useless if it can’t be understood (like you would expect from other legal documents).



Thanks to the contract’s fillable format, you can specify the employment period, salary and other terms you’re comfortable with. We love compromises, no more take-it-or-leave-its.

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Employer guide

Ever wonder how much can you deduct from a maid’s wage for an absence? Your answer may not be compliant with labor laws. When you hire a maid from us, you'll get access to our exclusive Employer Guide that answers all household employment questions imaginable. No more shooting in the dark, make your choices legally-compliant.


You'll get a copy of our kasambahay contract 

That is, when you hire a maid from us.

You'll also get access to the Employer Guide and get all the other amazing extras.