Now that you've decided that you need a yaya for your kiddo, the next best thing is to decide whether to hire a full-time or part-time yaya. Definitely, you have your reasons you might want a stay-in or stay-out staff. Indeed, the decision is dependent on several factors. Reaching a decision is a struggle, but below are some of the factors you must consider.
1) Budget
No yaya hiring-related questions would be complete without the mention of this crucial factor. In fact, some of you regard budget as the most important factor to consider. Based on monthly compensations, hiring a full-time yaya is more expensive than hiring a part-time nanny. This is the upfront cost; what about the extra/hidden costs?
For one, you need to provide your yaya a transport allowance to ensure that the yaya will show up the next day. Otherwise, you might end up confronting no-shows; she can't be there because she has no more money for pamasahe (fare). So, that means paying your nanny the agreed daily rate, which could be payable daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, and the transport allowance.
Since the yaya will be staying in your place, you also need to provide food for her. Although this depends on the length of stay during the day, that's an additional person to include in your monthly food budget. How many square meals and snacks per day? While this depends on your discretion, you need to decide what the inclusions are.
For a full-time arrangement, you need to provide food, lodging and other extras (i.e. toiletries) aside from the benefits. SSS contributions is a must for full-time helpers. Some employers even provide Pag-IBIG contributions. These are another set of costs to consider. Nonetheless, the biggest benefit is having someone to rely on to 24/7.
2) Lifestyle
At times, the decision is solely based on the employer's lifestyle. If the homeowners are working or traveling often, chances are, they would want someone trustworthy to stay at home with the kids. Some homeowners who love to have their kids in tow when traveling so they'd prefer a stay-out yaya. Some households aren't comfortable with having staffers on their property when they aren't there.
So, again, the lifestyle of the homeowners may also inform the decisions whether to hire a stay-in or stay-out yaya. There could be some compromises along the way. For example, the yaya may stay during weekdays when the parents are working and go home on weekends. It depends on the preferred arrangement.
3) Space
Living space availability may also impact the hiring decisions. This is particularly true for those couples living in condominiums wherein staff quarters are often very cramped it can only accommodate up to two helpers. Thus, homeowners decide to just hire one to two staffers and let others live out. It all boils down to the question of how many people your place can accommodate comfortably.
Looking at these three factors alone, you can easily decide whether to hire a full-time stay-in or a part-time stay-out yaya. The bottom-line is to ensure that the yaya is comfortable with the terms, conditions and arrangements whether she will be staying at your place or not. Of course, that's on top of ensuring that the yaya can perform and deliver against your expectations as the employer.